Quantum Touch
Quantum-Touch uses resonance and entrainment. When 2 different vibrations come together, healing Is facilitated. The practitioner has learned to focus and amplify life-force energy (also known as “Chi”, “Prana”, etc.) and raises their vibration, thereby creating a high level of energy. The practitioner places this energy field on or around an area of pain, discomfort, inflammation or disease. That part of the body will then entrain to the higher frequency and allow one’s own biological intelligence to do whatever healing it deems necessary.
Using the hands and breathing patterns, the practitioner lightly touches the recipient and awaits a shift which is the body correcting itself. Often the receiver feels the gentle shift and remark that they feel better.
I am a registered Certified Quantum-Touch® Practitioner and my bio can be found on www.QuantumTouch.com.